Saigon streets decodedSaigon streets decoded: KH CAT B TONG (abbreviated) khoan cắt bê tông = drilling and cutting ads with phone numbers to contact for the...
A little taste of home!Sometimes you just need some American style BBQ and a craft beer to remind you of home! This is the second time we've visited Quán Ụt Ụt...
Call me maybe?!Surprisingly this is one of the more well maintained and organized utility poles in Saigon. Developing world problems! With construction...
Imperial Vietnam - Exploring HuếWe're wrapping up our summer vacation travels in Vietnam with a weekend in Huế. It may have been the hottest time of year to visit - the...
Dude cuts and pedicures$1.34 haircuts are the best! One of the perks of visiting a small local shop in Vietnam is that my two dudes get super cheap haircuts....
Rainy season in SaigonSaigon has two seasons: rainy and dry. I'd say hot and humid, but it's pretty much that way all year long! From May to October, afternoon...